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Faculties and Attributions CEN
Secretary of Cultural Development
Source: Current Statutes

ARTICLE 68.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Cultural and Tourist Development:

I              Use all the means at your disposal to raise the cultural level of workers and their families.

II.             Promote all kinds of cultural and recreational events that workers and their families can attend, and must obtain the cooperation of the Department and Official or private Institutions, to achieve greater use of these events.

III.           Obtain information on all the cultural and recreational programs that are about to be held, in order to give them timely dissemination among the workers for their assistance.

IV.           Organize, taking advantage of the five-day work week, visits to museums and other cultural centers, seeking the necessary technical advice so that workers and their families obtain greater knowledge.

v.            Promote the allocation of scholarships and student incentives for the children of workers by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources.

SAW.           Organize and have the registry of the artistic and cultural groups that are formed among the workers who are members of the Organization.

VII.          Other activities that are related to the cultural aspect, which benefit the workers and their families.

VII.        Be in charge of carrying out the Tourism Promotion Program approved by the National Executive Committee.

IX.           Organize and carry out excursions to Historical places and Tourist Centers of the Country, trying in any case to be at low cost.

X.             Provide the Sectional Executive Committees with the tourist information that is requested of them, collecting for this, the required data from public and private organizations.

XI.           Assist the Sectional Executive Committees in the creation of Tourist and Recreation Centers for workers and their families, in coordination with the Ministry of Housing Development.

XII.          Create an information and assistance module, in which the following must be provided: air and land transportation service schedules, rates and reservations, tourist information, shows, etc.

XIII.         Submit a six-monthly report on their management to the Secretary General so that he may formulate the Committee's Report before the National Congress and the National Board of Directors.

XIV.        Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence.

XV.          The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.

Responsible for this publication: Secretariat of Organization, Press and Propaganda

Last update:  December 31, 2021

 Last Validation: January 26, 2022 

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