Faculties and Attributions CEN
National Finance Commission
Source: Current Statutes
The National Finance Commission will have the following powers and obligations :
I Monitor that the general accounting of the union is up to date and for this purpose, it must make a monthly review in order to check that the movement of funds was adjusted to the corresponding budget, or in its case, was approved in the terms of these statutes.
II. Report your observations in the first instance, to the secretary general of the national executive committee.
III. If any irregularity in the management of funds appears from the monthly review, it will formulate a list of observations proposing to the committee national executive the measures and terms of its correction.
IV. If the irregularities are of such magnitude that they merit the imposition of a sanction, they will turn their opinion together with the documentation verification to the national executive committee, so that it makes the consignment before the national board of directors or national congress, in its case.
v. Send a copy to the National Surveillance Council of all the documents that it formulates on the occasion of its action.
SAW. The national finance commission, by itself or at the request of the national executive committee, the national supervisory council or the local councils surveillance, may review the management of the funds of the sections, and in each case, render the respective opinion to the committee national executive, and assuming that irregularities appear that warrant the imposition of a sanction, the appropriation will be made corresponding to the national surveillance council so that the respective file is instructed in terms of article 207.
VII. It will monitor the accounting and proper management, in accordance with the regulations of the economic resources of the economic support and retirement fund.
VII. Submit a report of its activities to the executive committee national council, the national supervisory council, the national directive council and to congress national.