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Faculties and Attributions CEN
Source: Current Statutes
National Surveillance Council

ARTICLE 92.- The following are the obligations and powers of the National Surveillance Council :

I              Ensure that both the National Executive Committee, as well as the other Directive Bodies of the Union, strictly comply with their obligations and attributions and that they faithfully observe these Statutes, the Agreements, Regulations and Agreements adopted in the Congresses and in the National Directive Councils, General Assemblies and Boards of the Organisms themselves.

II.             study and solve  the  accusations that  for violation of  Statutes is presented  against the National Directors,     Sectional or against Union Members, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter X thereof.

III.           Ensure that the review of the accounting that the National Treasury Commission must carry out, is with the statutory frequency and conforms to the established guidelines.

IV.           Review correspondence and documentation, intervening in all matters of the Union at any time it deems convenient, for the purpose of ascertaining that the Directors comply with the provisions of these Statutes.

v.            Know the conflicts that arise between the Sections and the National Executive Committee, intervening in them and establishing the rights that correspond to each of the parties in conflict.

SAW.           To rule on the sanctions that must be applied to the Directors and to the members of the Union, in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes.

VII.          Know in second instance all the cases ruled by the Councils  Surveillance premises that are appealed by the interested parties, according to section II of this article.

VII.        In cases of trade union conflicts whose solution is not possible to achieve, you must refer it to the next National Congress or National Board of Directors, so that the corresponding resolution is issued.

IX.           Take care that the rights of the members of the Organization are respected and that they comply with their obligations.

X.             It will ensure that the Announcements for the National Directive Councils and for the National Congresses that the National Executive Committee submits to the plenary, adjust to these Statutes and the Federal Law of Workers in the Service of the State.


XI.           Request from the Local Surveillance Councils all the reports and documents that it deems appropriate, giving them the appropriate instructions so that they always act in accordance with the smooth running of the Union.

XII.          Indicate, in accordance with the National Executive Committee, the credit institutions in which the Union's funds must be deposited.

XIII.         Intervene in cases where the definitive absence of a Secretary of the National Executive Committee is covered.

XIV.        Deliver to his successors, by inventory, all the documents and assets owned by the Union that are in his possession, giving them the necessary explanations on the matters that are in process.

XV.          Require from the Local Surveillance Councils the report on the monthly cash cuts that the Sectional Executive Committees must formulate.

XVI.        Authorize, through its President or whoever replaces him, under the terms of these Statutes, all expenses incurred  the organization.

XVII.       Intervene in all the deliveries of the Administrative Posts of the Union.

XVIII.      Make recommendations to the National Executive Committee and suggest all the measures it deems appropriate for the benefit of the Organization.

XIX.         Those that are indicated in other precepts of these Statutes.

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