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Faculties and Attributions CEN
Source: Current Statutes
Conflict Secretary

ARTICLE 57.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Conflicts:

I              Intervene in all conflicts of a collective nature and that arise between the Union and the Ministry of Environment and Resources                Natural.

II.             In the event that conciliation between the Union and the Authorities is not achieved in relation to problems of a general nature, such as violations of          General conditions       from      Job,      Federal Law of Workers in the Service of the State,     Regulations or Agreements      what                 deserve      the intervention      of the H. Tribunal     Federal   from     Conciliation and Arbitration, must integrate the file with the documentation             necessary to file a claim, in the form and terms established by these Statutes.

III.           Maintain the inviolability of the General Conditions of Work, of the Agreements, Provisions or relative Regulations, being            prevented from entering into Agreements that modify or distort them, to the detriment of the interests of the Workers.

IV.           Draft the General Working Conditions with the necessary Advisors, propose them and discuss them together with the Secretary General or in         the Commission that he appoints before the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, must also propose the modifications          convenient when said General Working Conditions are revised.

v.            Together with the Secretary General, promote the strike, when it is duly founded and justified, taking care that              be carried out if all legal requirements are met.

SAW.           Inform the National Executive Committee of the deficiencies detected in the actions of the Secretaries of Labor and Conflicts of the              Sections.

VII.          Ensure that matters within its competence are timely resolved by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources or by            the H. Federal Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, if applicable.

VII.      Submit a semi-annual report on their management to the Secretary General, so that he may formulate the Committee's Report to the National Council.          Executive or National Congress.

IX.           Agree with the Secretary General on the affairs of his Secretariat.

X.             The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.

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