Faculties and Attributions CEN
Secretary of Sports Development
Source: Current Statutes
ARTICLE 67.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Sports Development:
I Schedule the development of sports activities in all its branches among the workers, acting for this in coordination with the Sectional Executive Committees.
II. On behalf of the Union, it will intervene in the implementation, management, organization and dissemination of the National, Sports and Cultural Games of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, advising the Union Sections for their participation, seeking the timely budget allocation that is required, provision of uniforms and equipment, transportation of participants, choice of courts and sports fields, arbitrations, etc., seeking its greatest brilliance.
VII. Manage before the secretariat, the conditioning of premises and sports fields, as well as facilities and means of transportation, for the best development of sports activities among the workers who are members of the Organization.
VII. Seek, by means of the respective studies, that in the budgets, both the National Executive Committee and the Executive Committees of the Sections, items intended to help sports activities are included.
IX. Carry out a rigorous control of the sports teams made up of workers who are members of the organization, classifying them by branches.
X. Other activities that are related to the sporting aspect and that benefit the workers and their families.
XI. Formulate a six-monthly Report on its Management before the Secretary General, so that he can formulate the Committee's Report before the National Board of Directors and the National Congress.
XII. Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence.
XIII. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.
III. It will avoid, where appropriate, the inclusion of players who do not meet the requirements indicated in the regulations.
IV. Promote sports among workers, organizing for this purpose Mixed Sports Commissions in which the Authorities of the Secretariat and the Union are represented.
v. Manage jointly with the Secretary General, that the Higher Authorities of the Secretariat permanently establish sufficient items for sports promotion among the workers who are members of the Organization.
SAW. Monitor the correct and timely administration of funds for these activities, having to intervene in aid of the Sectional Executive Committees that request it in the sports aspect.