Faculties and Attributions CEN
Secretary of Housing Development
Source: Current Statutes
ARTICLE 66.- O bligations and powers of the Secretary for the Promotion of Housing, Short- and Medium-Term and Complementary Loans.
I Prepare studies and carry out all kinds of procedures, tending to ensure that the members of the Union obtain an apartment or house at a low price, either in Housing Units built with FOVISSSTE funds, or through credits for the acquisition or improvement of housing.
II. Negotiate with the Authorities of the Ministry of the Branch or the corresponding one, the free donation in favor of the members of land owned by the Federal Government that may be disincorporated from it.
III. Process with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources the necessary help so that, at low cost, rooms can be built on the land referred to in the previous section, for the benefit of the members of the Organization.
IV. Promote before the FOVISSSTE Authorities, the provision of sufficient Housing Units to cover the needs of the Represented.
v. Process before FOVISSSTE, any request that has been previously approved by the Secretary General, related to obtaining an apartment.
SAW. Keep a record and control, in chronological order, of all applications submitted by workers to obtain houses or multi-family apartments.
VII. Provide technical advice to the members of the Union, so that the mortgage loans granted to them are duly applied and fully satisfy the purposes for which they were requested.
VII. Guide the members of the Union and assist in the steps they take to obtain the settlement of mortgage loans and duly legalize their property.
IX. Advise the Leaders of the Organization before the State or Municipal Representatives of the FSTSE so that they demand the correct application of the item that corresponds to us of credits and the allocation of cases in the housing units that the FOVISSSTE grants, so that these are assigned to the workers who are members of the Union, equitably.
X. Promote the acquisition, construction and expansion of social, sports and vacation centers, in places of our country that meet the conditions favorable to the proposed purposes.
XI. Know the ordinances and provisions that regulate this matter, especially the ISSSTE Law, its Regulations and its Operating System.
XII. Carry out before the competent authorities and institutions all procedures related to short and medium-term loans that, through the Organization, are requested by the workers.
XIII. Carry out, upon request of the Sections, the necessary steps tending to achieve the regularization or suspension of discounts of the members, related to Short and Medium Term Loans.
XIV. Require the suspension and return of undue discounts for this same concept.
XV. Fight for the granting of the Loans to be done with the promptness and urgency required by the members.
XVI. Attend all the meetings promoted by the Federation of Unions of Workers in the Service of the State or the Social Services Security Institute of State Workers, presenting the necessary papers for the constant adaptation and perfectibility of the Regulations on the matter.
XVII. Gather the necessary means to keep track of the documentation entrusted to their care and the status of their processing, in order to provide timely and truthful information to applicants.
XVIII. Submit a six-monthly report on their management to the Secretary General, so that the latter may formulate the report before the National Board of Directors or National Congress.
XIX. Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence.
XX. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.