Faculties and Attributions CEN
Source: Current Statutes
Secretary of Ladder
ARTICLE 63.- Obligations and Powers of the Secretary of the Ranking, Union Training, Administrative and Educational Promotion.
I Coordinate their activities with those of the Union Representatives in the Joint Commission of Ranking.
II. Form the General Ranking of Personnel, duly classifying it by Branch and Position.
III. Procure the issuance of the Ranking Regulations and review it periodically, proposing the necessary reforms, subjecting said reforms to the approval of the Plenary of the National Executive Committee, being responsible for any violation thereof.
IV. Keep track of the vacancies that arise, periodically collating the General Budget of the Secretariat to verify that it is made available to the National Mixed Ranking Commission in a timely manner.
v. Intervene when it deems convenient before the Union Representatives in the National Mixed Ranking Commission, to supervise their work and submit to the consideration of the Plenary of the National Executive Committee and the National Surveillance Council, the irregularities that may be incurred.
SAW. Address the appeals filed by workers against the opinions issued by the National Mixed Commission of Escalafon.
VII. Ensure that the rulings by the National Mixed Ranking Commission are complied with immediately and that the date of application is from when the assigned position became vacant.
VII. Give the necessary instructions to the Secretaries of the Ranking of the Union Sections, of the processing of the matters in their charge, of the system and control of promotion proposals.
IX. Inform the National Executive Committee of the faults that I will notice on the part of the Secretaries of the Ranking of the Sections, in relation to the personnel of their competence.
X. Promote, before the beginning of each fiscal year, the necessary modifications to the table every time the minimum wage is increased and propose to the National Executive Committee the re-tabulation of the positions, always seeking the benefit of the members.
XI. Take into consideration the recommendations and proposals of the Sections, for the elaboration of the Project of Reforms to the Tabulator and Catalog of Positions.
XII. Submit a monthly report to the Secretary General with a copy to the National Surveillance Council, regarding the promotions made in the National Ranking Commission.
XIII. It will be in charge of controlling and disseminating the Opinions issued by the Local Mixed Ranking Commissions, ensuring that they are ratified or rectified as soon as possible and activating the procedures before the Secretariat for their application, which must be invariably from the date that the Opinion of the Local Mixed was issued.
XIV. Guide the Secretaries of the Ladder for their intervention before the Labor Exchange, so that the newly hired personnel do not harm the ladder rights of the members.
XV. Prepare projects and programs for holding Conferences, Seminars and all kinds of events that have as their purpose the Administrative or Union Training of the members whose Organization will be under their responsibility.
XVI. Prepare and put into practice the General Plan for Administrative or Trade Union Training, agreed upon by the National Directive Councils, National Congresses or the National Executive Committee.
XVII. Formulate and apply, prior agreement with the Secretary General, the Regulations and Program for Union Orientation Conferences or Administrative Training and give clear and precise instructions to the Local Executive Committees, for their participation and use.
XVIII. Stock up on newsletters, brochures and books related to union education and administrative training, to be distributed among the members of the Union.
XIX. Fight for the ideological, political and union training development of union members, to achieve class consciousness and cohesion.
XX. Coordinate with the Secretariat of Organization, Press and Propaganda, the publication in the Newspaper of the Union of Articles related to Union or Administrative Training.
XXI. Promote and coordinate with the Secretary of Organization, Press and Propaganda and the Local Executive Committees, the creation of Local Diffusion Organs, Libraries and Trade Union Training Centers that come to satisfy the material needs that imply the possibility of a true ideological development and union training.
XXII. It will promote the Trade Union Training of the Directors of the Sections and for this purpose, it will organize Seminars in the appropriate places. For these acts, he will have the help of the Secretaries of the National Executive Committee, the National Surveillance Council and Specialists in the matter being taught.
XXIII. Promote the training of the members of the Union in order to promote their improvement.
XXIV. Be in contact with the Units and Organizations that intervene in the Administrative Training for the worker members of our Organization, to assist in the Programs that are carried out, disseminating all the provisions that exist, seeking the establishment of Administrative Training Centers where they have opportunity to train workers.
XXV. Represent the Union in the National Administrative Training Center of the Federation of Unions of Workers in the Service of the State and assist in achieving its goals.
XXVI. Take responsibility for carrying out campaigns for educational use, under the open system at all applicable levels.
XXVII. Formulate and be responsible for the application of a General Literacy and Academic Education Program for the members of the Union.
XXVIII. Fight for the establishment of Libraries in the Union Sections for the service of workers and their families, managing the provision of books, brochures, magazines and in general all kinds of printed matter to increase their existence.
XXIX. Manage, in coordination with the corresponding Sectional Secretaries, the granting of Scholarships in Official or Private Institutions.
XXX. Establish links with Organizations (Institutes, Universities, etc.), that can teach academic courses to workers who are members of the Union.
XXXI. Fight for the colleagues to whom these teachings are given to be promoted to higher level positions, stimulating their effort to improve.
XXXII. Promote the granting of special schedules, facilities and support for workers who are studying in an Official or Private Institution that is recognized.
XXXIII. To have under its responsibility the Library of the National Union.
XXXIV. Submit a six-monthly report on their management to the Secretary General, so that he may formulate the report of the Committee before the National Board of Directors or the National Congress.
XXXV. Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence.
XXXVI. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.