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  • Secc. 12 | sntsemarnat

    TO RETURN 2013 - 2016 SECTION 12 OCAVM, CDMX NOTE TAKING 2016 - 2020

  • XXVI Juegos Nacionales Deportivos y Culturales de la SEMARNAT

    Announcement xxVI national sports and cultural games 2021 LOGOS Responsible for this post Secretary of Sports Development

  • Conciencia Ambiental

    Recommendations of the SNTSEMARNAT in the Office: * Disconnect all ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT , since even when turned off they continue to consume energy. ​ * Disconnect the FANS when no one is using them, if possible use natural ventilation. ​ * Unplug the COFFEE MAKER while you are not using it, as it consumes a lot of energy. ​ ​ * REUSE paper, ENVELOPES AND FOLDERS to the maximum. ​ * Print in INK saving mode and use PENCILS WITHOUT PAINT . ​ * Print or photocopy ON BOTH SIDES when possible. ​

  • Facultades Secretario Administracion | sntsemarnat

    Faculties and Attributions CEN Administration Secretary Source: Current Statutes Requirements to be part of the National Executive Committee, National Surveillance Council and Permanent Commissions ARTICLE 61.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Administration, Minutes, Agreements and Trade Union Patrimony: I Assume the administration of the general offices of the Organization, Management, Attendance Control, Hiring and Performance of Employees at the service of the Union, taking into consideration the needs of the Union Directors that make up the Organization. II. Summon the Plenaries of the National Executive Committee and the National Surveillance Council, prior agreement with the General Secretary. III. It will be in charge and under its responsibility, the supply of materials and equipment necessary for the operation of the offices, and must timely formulate the budget that corresponds to its Secretariat, which will be submitted to the approval of a duly constituted Plenary. IV. Receive the correspondence that arrives in the name of the Organization, proceeding to its registration and delivery to the corresponding Secretaries by means of a list so that, with their signature, they become responsible for it. v. The values received in the Organization must be delivered to the Secretary of Finance or the President of the Economic Support and Retirement Fund, through a list detailing them, which will be signed upon receipt with the approval of the National Council of Surveillance, in the understanding that the lack of these signatures will not prevent the delivery and handling of said funds. SAW. Be in charge of duly updating the general archive of the Organization. VII. It will be in charge of the dispatch of correspondence and parcels. VII. Formulate the Minutes of the Plenary Sessions that are held and, once they are approved, obtain the signatures of the Secretary General, the National Surveillance Council and their own. IX. It will be in charge of the compilation and publication, if applicable, of the agreements reached in the Plenary Sessions, Councils and National Congresses. X. Be responsible, jointly with the Secretary General, for the control of the movable and immovable property that constitutes the patrimony of the Organization. XI. Together with the legal advisors of the Union, it will promote and participate in the legalization or regularization of the documentation that protects the ownership of the movable and immovable property that forms the patrimony of the Union. XII. Together with the Secretary of Finance, it will formulate and be in charge of the inventory of personal property owned by the Union, separating those that correspond to the National Executive Committee from those that are at the service and under the custody of the Sections, Sub-Sections and Delegations. , being responsible that in each one of them there is the corresponding inventory duly requested and updated. XIII. By means of a receipt, deliver to the Union Directors the equipment they use in the performance of their duties, which they must deliver at the end of their commission and ensure that in the Sections, through the corresponding Secretary, the same is carried out. process. XIV. It will be in charge of the maintenance and control of vehicles owned by the Organization, as well as machinery and equipment in general, ordering their repair or replacement prior agreement with the Secretary General. XV. Intervene, in conjunction with the General Secretary and legal advice, in the acquisition, lease, encumbrance or alienation of movable and immovable property of the Union, adhering to strict compliance with these Statutes. XVI. Provide precise and clear guidance to the Local Executive Committees on the preparation and management of inventories of movable and immovable property at their service and in their custody. XVII. You will be in charge of planning and Execute the construction of all the facilities and buildings of the Trade Union Organization determined by the National Executive Committee. XVIII. It will advise the Union Sections in all the actions they carry out in terms of construction or maintenance of real estate and facilities. XIX. It will formulate every six months the program of actions necessary to provide adequate maintenance to the facilities and buildings owned by the Union, which will be executed with the prior approval of the National Executive Committee. XX. It will monitor and coordinate with the Union Sections the necessary actions for an adequate maintenance and conservation of the buildings owned by the Union. XXI. On a monthly basis, it will render to the National Executive Committee a report on the progress of the work, which is achieved in terms of construction and maintenance of real estate. XXII. It will carry out the studies related to the costs of the constructions and maintenance works that it carries out, informing the National Executive Committee of the increases that exist. XXIII. It will prepare and keep updated an inventory of the real estate owned by the Union, containing the projects, plans and calculation reports of the corresponding works. XXIV. It will present a quarterly report on its management to the Secretary General, so that he can formulate the Committee's Report before the National Directive Council or National Congress. XXV. He shall agree with the Secretary General on the affairs of his Secretariat. XXVI. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.

  • Que es el sindicato semarnat

    Organic Structure Period 2016-2020 National Advisory Commission

  • Bienvenida

    ​ Welcome to) ​ Dear Comrades: More than twenty-three years after the founding of our union (National Constitutive Congress in Guadalajara, Jal. March 2 and 3, 1995), we can say that with progress, the history of our organization It is marked by the courage of its members, the permanent struggle and our iron conviction that UNITY is strength. D uring more than two decades of history, the reason for our existence has been to achieve the improvements in working conditions that our bases demand. These improvements are not whims or luxuries, but what the workers worthily deserve. ​ With the creation of this portal, one more achievement is obtained for the organization, projecting the union and showing that in the SNTSEMARNAT we have a common goal: to strengthen our Union, to make the SNTSEMARNAT a strong, united and committed Union, all of this will be possible if together we provide adequate and creative proposals that allow us to meet your demands in a timely manner and respond efficiently as each of you deserves. Hoping that this technological tool will be very useful, I express my appreciation and thanks for the work done, Thank you to all our members for trusting in us and for not giving up, and to the users, thank you for visiting our Website. ​ That is why I give you the warmest welcome to our website, which was undoubtedly created and thinking for and by you, it is designed to be a platform where you can find guidance, advice and support, and in a particular way help simplify the procedures and services offered by the various Secretariats that make up the SNTSEMARNAT. In itself, this tool will allow you to know the activities, programs and actions that are undertaken in favor of our colleagues, you will also find information on our Statutes embodied in full, as well as the General Conditions of Work, in addition we highlight the functions of each one who integrates this Executive Committee. ​ ​ This National Executive Committee has a clear mandate and a precise objective: to work hard for the unity and strengthening of our organization. These are and will be the foundations of our future achievements. ​

  • Derechos arco

    Request for the right of Access to Personal Data Derecho de Acceso a Datos Personales.pdf

  • Denuncias Ciudadanas | sntsemarnat

    Denuncias Ciudadanas presentadas en contra del SNTSEMARNAT ante el Organismo Garante (INAI) por incumplimiento de obligaciones de Transparencia a la fecha ​ Cualquier persona por si misma o a través de su representante podrá denunciar ante el instituto la falta de publicación o actualización de las Obligaciones de transparencia previstas en los artículos 70 a 83 de la Ley General y 69 a 76 de la Ley Federal, por parte de los sujetos obligados del ámbito federal. ​ La denuncia por incumplimiento de las Obligaciones de Transparencia deberá cumplir, al menos, con los siguientes requisitos : ​ Nombre del sujeto obligado denunciado. descripción clara y precisa del cumplimiento denunciado, especificando la Ley, el artículo o artículos y, en su caso la fracción que corresponda. El denunciante podrá adjuntar los medios de prueba que estime necesarios para respaldar el incumplimiento denunciado. En caso de que la denuncia se presente por escrito, el denunciante deberá señalar el domicilio en la jurisdicción que corresponda o la dirección de correo electrónico para recibir notificaciones. Cuando la denuncia se presente por medios electrónicos, se entenderá que se acepta que las notificaciones se efectúen por el mismo medio. En caso de que no se señale domicilio o dirección de correo electrónico o se señale un domicilio fuera de la jurisdicción respectiva, las notificaciones, aun las de carácter personal, se practicarán a través de los estados físicos del instituto. y El nombre del denunciante y, opcionalmente, su perfil únicamente para propósitos estadísticos. Esta información será proporcionada por el denunciante de manera voluntaria. En ningún caso el dato sobre el nombre y el perfil podrán ser un requisito para la procedencia y trámite de la denuncia. La denuncia podrá presentarse de la forma siguiente: 1.- Por medio electrónico: ​ a) A través de la Plataforma Nacional. presentándose en el apartado de denuncia por incumplimiento a las Obligaciones de Transparencia. ​ En este supuesto, la Plataforma Nacional emitirá un Acuse de recibo que acreditará la hora y fecha de recepción de la denuncia presentada, o ​ b) Por correo electrónico, dirigido al instituto en la dirección electrónica , administrada por la Secretaría de Acceso a la Información. ​ El horario para la recepción de denuncias por los medios anteriores, así como las promociones relativas a las mismas, tanto de los denunciantes como de los sujetos obligados, comprende de lunes a viernes de las nueve a las dieciocho horas. ​ 2.- Por escrito presentado físicamente ante la Oficialía de Partes del Instituto, ubicada en Insurgentes Sur N° 3211, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04530, en la Ciudad de México. En este supuesto, la Oficialía de Partes deberá remitir la denuncia a la Secretaría de Acceso a la Información en el mismo día de su recepción. El horario para la recepción de denuncias por Oficialía de Partes del Instituto, así como las promociones relativas a las mismas, tanto de los denunciantes como de los sujetos obligados, comprende de lunes a jueves de las nueve a las dieciocho horas y los viernes de nueve a las quince horas. Las denuncias cuya recepción se verifique después de los horarios señalados en ambas fracciones, se considerarán recibidas al día hábil siguiente. para efectos del horario de recepción se tomará en cuenta la hora del centro del país. ​ Adicionalmente, los particulares podrán solicitar asesoría telefónica, comunicándose al Centro de Atención a la Sociedad del Instituto, al número 01 800 835 4324 (TEL-INAI), en un horario de lunes a jueves de nueve a dieciocho horas y los viernes de nueve a quince horas. ​ NINGUNA Denuncias Presentadas ante el INAI, en contra de este Sujeto Obligado n° AÑO N° DE DENUNCIA OBJETO DE LA DENUNCIA SENTIDO DE LA RESOLUCIÓN EMITIDA POR EL INAI DOCUMENTO DE LA DENUNCIA FECHA DE EMISIÓN DE LA RESOLUCIÓN NOTA

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