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    2022 Dic. 11, 734 2021 Dic. 11, 734 2020 2019 Dec. 11, 785 Dic. 11, 734 2018 Dec 11, 989 2017 Dec 12, 385 2016 Dec 12, 093 agree and based to the FEDERAL LAW ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS, CHAPTER I, article 3, sections V and VI, which reads: ​ v. Personal data: Any information concerning an identified natural person or Identifiable. ​ SAW. Sensitive personal data: Those personal data that affect the most intimate sphere of its owner, or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for it. In particular, those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference are considered sensitive. ​ As well as CHAPTER II, of the Principles of Protection of Personal Data that literally says: Article 8.- All processing of personal data will be subject to the consent of its owner, except for the exceptions provided for in this Law. The consent will be express when the will is expressed verbally, in writing, by electronic, optical or any other technology, or by unequivocal signs. ​ It will be understood that the owner tacitly consents to the processing of their data, when having made the privacy notice available to them, they do not express their opposition. The financial or patrimonial data will require the express consent of its owner, except for the exceptions referred to in articles 10 and 37 of this Law. Consent may be revoked at any time without retroactive effects being attributed to it. To revoke the consent, the person in charge must, in the privacy notice, establish the mechanisms and procedures for it. Article 9.- In the case of sensitive personal data, the person in charge must obtain the express and written consent of the owner for its treatment, through his autograph signature, electronic signature, or any authentication mechanism established for this purpose. Databases containing sensitive personal data may not be created without justifying their creation for legitimate, specific purposes and in accordance with the activities or explicit purposes pursued by the regulated subject.

  • CEN 2016-2020 | sntsemarnat


  • Transparencia sindicato semarnat

    Public consultation IN THIS SECTION you can access the information published by the Institute, to comply with its Transparency obligations established in the General Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information.


    Writes Mail write yes Thanks! Message sent. Agree Some Promotions Cartelera GOU Directorio de Descuentos To view, hit save as Hotel Romano Palace, Acapulco SIXFLAGS Promotions Responsible for this post Secretariat of Cultural and Tourist Promotion Homepage

  • Facultades Secretario Prevision | sntsemarnat

    Faculties and Attributions CEN Social Security Secretary Source: Current Statutes Requirements to be part of the National Executive Committee, National Surveillance Council and Permanent Commissions ARTICLE 64.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Welfare and Social Services. I Permanently analyze the provisions that exist regarding Social Security for workers, in order to promote the reforms or additions that are appropriate both in the General Conditions of Work, and in the Laws of the matter. II. Monitor and fight for the physical integrity of the members of the Union, seeking to establish work systems that do not harm them or endanger their lives. III. Maintain the inviolability of the General Conditions of Work and the precepts of the corresponding Laws, agreements, regulations and provisions regarding Social Security, Hygiene and Work Risks. IV. Intervene before the Secretary and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers, in all problems that arise among the members of the Organization in matters of Social Welfare, in order that they may obtain the benefits as quickly as necessary. that they have the right. v. Demand from the Authorities that in all Work Centers far from the city, adequate camps be established with all hygiene, health, comfort and safety services. When, due to the nature of the work, the installation of a fixed camp is not possible, ensure that the brigades or crews of workers are provided with a mobile camp with the appropriate services. SAW. In cases where workers provide their services in dangerous and unhealthy places, they must demand the implementation of all the security measures established in the Safety and Hygiene Regulation and will rule on the reduction of hours, extension of vacation periods, economic compensation, etc., strictly adhering to the Risk Catalog that is formulated, likewise, its optimization will correspond to it. VII. It will represent the Union before the National Joint Safety and Hygiene Commission and will be in charge of advising and supporting the Trade Union Representatives before the Local Joint Commissions, collecting for this the information that is required and keeping a meticulous control of the steps they carry out. . VII. It will manage before the corresponding Authorities the inclusion from Budget Items necessary for the application of the Safety and Hygiene measures that are approved; Likewise, it will help the Sectional Committees for these same procedures before the Local Authorities. IX. It will be in charge, on behalf of the Union before the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, the installation of restaurants and cafeterias for the service of the workers. X. Seek the formation of the National Mixed Commission of Benefits, Awards for Punctuality and Efficiency, to manage before whom it corresponds, financing, diffusion and application of the Quarterly and Annual Prizes that are awarded, having to be in constant communication and giving the necessary advice to the Local Mixed Benefits Commissions. XI. Coordinate with the corresponding authorities for the celebration of the Award Ceremonies for workers who complete 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years of service, based on the Law on Incentives and Civil Rewards for Service Workers of the State, seeking the constant increase of said stimuli. XII. Manage obtaining discounts on basic items, tickets, accommodation, etc. that benefit workers. XIII. Formulate studies on the various provisions governing pensions and retirement, in order to promote the reforms deemed appropriate. XIV. Monitor that the operation of the services and benefits in terms of Pensions and Retirements provided by the ISSSTE to affiliated workers, conforms to the Law. XV. Address in a timely and efficient manner the problems raised by the members of the Organization or their relatives in matters of pension, retirement, global compensation or life insurance, seeking a prompt and correct solution to them, including delays in payments or errors in the amount of benefits. XVI. Fight for the ISSSTE Law to establish the right for workers to retire with a pension equivalent to the earnings they enjoy at the time of retirement. XVII. Attend, representing the Union, all meetings, conferences and conventions held on pensions, retirement and life insurance. XVIII. Manage before whom it corresponds, the recognition full for effects of retirement or pension, of the time that the workers rendered their services with charged to the Raya List Item or who for any reason have not contributed to said Institute. XIX. Intervene before the ISSSTE, to obtain the immediate payment of the global indemnities in the terms of the Law, managing the necessary documentation in a timely manner. XX. Manage the return of own funds to the ISSSTE, in favor of the workers who leave or their relatives in the event of death, taking charge of forming the necessary claim files with the documentation provided by the Local Executive Committees or the interested parties. XXI. Fight for the amount of economic benefits related to pension or retirement to be increased appropriately, due to the rise in the cost of living. XXII. Monitor compliance with the Presidential Decrees and Agreements related to life insurance for the workers of the Secretariat, in GNP, Insurance, National Provincial Group and intervene in all cases that are required for their timely payment. XXIII. Advise all the Local Executive Committees on benefits for the relatives of deceased workers. XXIV. Prevent any base worker of the Secretariat from being excluded from the benefits of the life insurance of GNP, Seguros, Grupo Nacional Provincial. XXV. Fight for the increase of the life insurance of GNP, Seguros, Grupo Nacional Provincial. XXVI. Advise the relatives of the workers regarding the procedure to follow to obtain the benefits that the Laws and Regulations grant. XXVII. It will be in charge of the necessary procedures to obtain the service records required by the National Executive Committee. XXVIII. Submit a six-monthly report on their management to the Secretary General, so that he may formulate the Committee's report before the National Board of Directors and the National Congress. XXIX. Agree with the Secretary General on matters within its competence. XXX. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.

  • Facultades Secretario Cultural | sntsemarnat

    Faculties and Attributions CEN Secretary of Cultural Development Source: Current Statutes Requirements to be part of the National Executive Committee, National Surveillance Council and Permanent Commissions ARTICLE 68.- Obligations and powers of the Secretary of Cultural and Tourist Development: I Use all the means at your disposal to raise the cultural level of workers and their families. II. Promote all kinds of cultural and recreational events that workers and their families can attend, and must obtain the cooperation of the Department and Official or private Institutions, to achieve greater use of these events. III. Obtain information on all the cultural and recreational programs that are about to be held, in order to give them timely dissemination among the workers for their assistance. IV. Organize, taking advantage of the five-day work week, visits to museums and other cultural centers, seeking the necessary technical advice so that workers and their families obtain greater knowledge. v. Promote the allocation of scholarships and student incentives for the children of workers by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. SAW. Organize and have the registry of the artistic and cultural groups that are formed among the workers who are members of the Organization. VII. Other activities that are related to the cultural aspect, which benefit the workers and their families. VII. Be in charge of carrying out the Tourism Promotion Program approved by the National Executive Committee. IX. Organize and carry out excursions to Historical places and Tourist Centers of the Country, trying in any case to be at low cost. X. Provide the Sectional Executive Committees with the tourist information that is requested of them, collecting for this, the required data from public and private organizations. XI. Assist the Sectional Executive Committees in the creation of Tourist and Recreation Centers for workers and their families, in coordination with the Ministry of Housing Development. XII. Create an information and assistance module, in which the following must be provided: air and land transportation service schedules, rates and reservations, tourist information, shows, etc. XIII. Submit a six-monthly report on their management to the Secretary General so that he may formulate the Committee's Report before the National Congress and the National Board of Directors. XIV. Agree with the Secretary General, the matters of its competence. XV. The other activities that are indicated by the Secretary General or by whoever represents him.

  • Sistema Institucional de Archivos | sntsemarnat

    Sistema Institucional de Archivo El Sistema Institucional de Archivos (SIA) del SNTSEMARNAT es el conjunto de principios, lineamientos, procedimientos y estructuras que tomando como base el ciclo vital del documento, norman la funcionalidad y operatividad de la gestión documental y la administración de los archivos. El Sistema se integra por: Área coordinadora de archivos. Las áreas operativas siguientes: a)De correspondencia. b)Archivo de trámite, por área o unidad. c)Archivo de concentración. d)Archivo histórico (en proceso de creación). Integración del Grupo Multidisciplinario (Acta) Archivo de Trámite Es la unidad de archivo integrada por documentos de archivo de uso cotidiano y necesario para el ejercicio de las atribuciones y funciones de la Organización. Funciones: Integrar y organizar los expedientes que cada área o unidad produzca y reciba. Asegurar la localización y consulta de los expedientes mediante la elaboración de los inventarios documentales. Resguardar los documentos y la información que haya sido clasificada de acuerdo con la legislación en materia de transparencia y acceso a la información pública, en tanto conserve tal carácter. Colaborar con el Área Coordinadora de Archivos en la elaboración de los instrumentos de control archivístico previstos en la Ley General, en esta Ley y sus disposiciones reglamentarias. Trabajar de acuerdo con los criterios específicos y recomendaciones dictados por el Área Coordinadora de Archivos. Realizar las transferencias primarias al archivo de concentración. Archivo de Concentración Es la unidad de archivo integrado por documentos de archivo transferidos desde las áreas o unidades productoras, que tienen todavía vigencia administrativa, de consulta esporádica y que pueden ser eliminados o conservados permanentemente después de un proceso de valoración documental. Funciones: Asegurar y describir los fondos bajo su resguardo, así como la consulta de los expedientes. Recibir las transferencias primarias y brindar servicios de préstamo y consulta a las unidades o áreas administrativas productoras de los documentos que resguarda, así como a cualquier persona interesada, de conformidad con las disposiciones en materia de transparencia y acceso a la información. Conservar los expedientes hasta que cumplan su vigencia administrativa de acuerdo con lo establecido en el catálogo de disposición documental. Colaborar con el Área Coordinadora de Archivos en la elaboración de los instrumentos de control archivístico previstos en la Ley General de Archivos y en sus disposiciones reglamentarias. Participar con el Área Coordinadora de Archivos en la elaboración de los criterios de valoración y disposición documental. Promover la baja documental de los expedientes que integran las series documentales que hayan cumplido su vigencia documental y los plazos de conservación, y que no posean valores históricos suficientes para su conservación permanente, conforme a las disposiciones jurídicas aplicables. Identificar las series documentales que hayan cumplido su vigencia documental y que cuenten con valores históricos suficientes para ser transferidos a los archivos históricos de los sujetos obligados. Integrar a sus respectivos expedientes, el registro de los procesos de disposición documental, incluyendo dictámenes, actas e inventarios. Publicar, al final de cada año, los dictámenes y actas de baja documental y transferencia secundaria, en los términos que establezcan las disposiciones en la materia y conservarlos en el archivo de concentración por un periodo mínimo de siete años a partir de la fecha de su elaboración. Realizar la transferencia secundaria de las series documentales que hayan cumplido su vigencia documental y posean los valores evidénciales, testimoniales e informativos que se determinen para su ingreso al archivo histórico que corresponda. Las que establezcan el Consejo Nacional, el Consejo Local y las disposiciones jurídicas aplicables. Archivo Histórico La Unidad de Archivo integrado por documentos de carácter público, de conservación permanente y de relevancia para la historia y memoria nacional, regional o local. En proceso de creación. Dictámenes y Actas de Baja Documental Consiste en la eliminación de aquellos documentos que hayan prescrito en su vigencia administrativa, en conformidad con los plazos de conservación establecidos en el catálogo de disposición documental y que no posean los valores secundarios o históricos considerados para ser conservados de manera permanente. Normatividad Difusión de la Cultura Archivística El SNTSEMARNAT comprometido con la difusión de la cultura archivística pone a disposición de la ciudadanía los siguientes sitios de interés:

  • XXV Juegos Nacionales Deportivos y Culturales de la SEMARNAT

    Announcement xxV national sports and cultural games Responsible for this post Secretary of Sports Development LOGO

  • Facultades Comision Hacienda | sntsemarnat

    Faculties and Attributions CEN National Finance Commission Source: Current Statutes Requirements to be part of the National Executive Committee, National Surveillance Council and Permanent Commissions The National Finance Commission will have the following powers and obligations : I Monitor that the general accounting of the union is up to date and for this purpose, it must make a monthly review in order to check that the movement of funds was adjusted to the corresponding budget, or in its case, was approved in the terms of these statutes. II. Report your observations in the first instance, to the secretary general of the national executive committee. III. If any irregularity in the management of funds appears from the monthly review, it will formulate a list of observations proposing to the committee national executive the measures and terms of its correction. IV. If the irregularities are of such magnitude that they merit the imposition of a sanction, they will turn their opinion together with the documentation verification to the national executive committee, so that it makes the consignment before the national board of directors or national congress, in its case. v. Send a copy to the National Surveillance Council of all the documents that it formulates on the occasion of its action. SAW. The national finance commission, by itself or at the request of the national executive committee, the national supervisory council or the local councils surveillance, may review the management of the funds of the sections, and in each case, render the respective opinion to the committee national executive, and assuming that irregularities appear that warrant the imposition of a sanction, the appropriation will be made corresponding to the national surveillance council so that the respective file is instructed in terms of article 207. VII. It will monitor the accounting and proper management, in accordance with the regulations of the economic resources of the economic support and retirement fund. VII. Submit a report of its activities to the executive committee national council, the national supervisory council, the national directive council and to congress national.

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